Structural changes in the chain of supermarkets “Fresco”

Structural changes in the chain of supermarkets “Fresco”

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Some structural changes occurred in the chain of supermarkets “Fresco”. On April 24, 2015 Nestan Butskrikidze was appointed on the position of General Director. [more]Nestan Butskrikidze was born on April 10, 1976, is married and has 2 children.Education: higher, lawyer.From 1996 till 2002 she was a member of Bar, Attorney since 1996, since 2004 till present is a member of Georgian Bar Association (has passed Attorney’s qualification examination in general specialization). Since 2007 till 2010 worked at LEPL Legal Service on the position of Lawyer.From 2011 worked in “Fresco” on the position of the Head of Legal Service and since 2014 on the position of Deputy General Director.         

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