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There are many actors on the Georgian retail market, following the high level of competition. Fresco is comparably new among these actors, though it has successfully established itself on the market.  How FRESCO managed to position itself on the market and what it offers to its customers, Salome Sikharulidze, Head of the PR and Marketing Department shares her opinions about the topic.  - How long has it been since FRESCO showed up on the Georgian market, how many branches do you have and what are the plans for the future?- Supermarket Chain FRESCO has been on the Georgian market since 2012. We have opened our first supermarket in Varketili district and then, step by step we have opened other supermarkets throughout Tbilisi. Presently, Chain owns six largest supermarkets in Tbilisi districts: Varketili, Mukhiani, Ortachala, Saburtalo, Chugureti and Sanzona. Company FRESCO plans to expand the chain and build 2 new supermarkets in Isani and Digomi Districts.    - Is FRESCO fully Georgian or do you have any foreign partners?- FRESCO is the Georgian part of one strong, foreign financial group, history of which starts from 80s of the last century, headed by ethnic Georgian investor.FRESCO is oriented to create successful and comfortable business environment not only for the customers, but also for hundreds of employed individuals.  FRESCO is the company, which develops not only retail, but construction business as well. As you may already know, we have built each of our supermarkets with own resources. First we buy the land, then construct the supermarket buildings, which naturally requires large portion of investments, though in long-term perspective it exempts us from paying rents, which is pretty profitable by all means.  - As you know there are various supermarket chains on the market and the competition is high, how do you plan to compete with older and more experienced market actors?Notwithstanding the fact that it's been only three years that FRESCO acts on the retail market, we were able to show pretty serious competition to the older and experienced chains, moreover, we no more discuss them as our strong competitors.   In the end, fair competition provides our customers with the best service.From the very first steps, our goal was to be customer-oriented company and we offer the following: the lowest prices on the most demanded products, comfortable environment, high quality service, vast variety of products, including local, as well as imported products from European countries.  FRESCO offers the environment adapted to all types of customers; each of our supermarkets offers the same price, notwithstanding its location.Supermarket Chain FRESCO is distinguished visually as well.  As I mentioned above, we build our supermarkets and work on its exterior and interior for providing relevant comfort. Supermarkets are further equipped by outdoor and underground parking spaces, where our customers can park their cars in a comfortable and safe way.  - What makes FRESCO different from other similar chains and why should the customer choose your supermarket?-   It is pretty clear why the customers have to choose FRESCO; FRESCO is the supermarket offering service for 24 hours, keeps its quality standards, offers the lowest prices and high quality service via qualified personnel, including more than 25,000 products and exclusive offer - 5% discount card, which can be used without any point accruing system - minus 5% for every products of the supermarket.For providing more comfort to our customers, we have arranged cafe, children's corner, drugstore and other facilities. - Do you plan to enter the regions of Georgia and how many people are employed in your chain?- We plan to open FRESCO supermarkets in other big cities of Georgia as well; there is already a demand from the customers to have FRESCO supermarkets in Kutaisi, Batumi, Rustavi, etc. We keep searching for areas of land and are ready to open the supermarket there, where our customers ask for it.Presently, FRESCO employees about 1500 individuals, including construction direction, this number will be increased by 500 individuals by the end of 2015 year.  This means that, today, FRESCO is the company, which creates many working places and fights against the major problem of the country - unemployment.Based on the above said, we dare to declare that, FRESCO is the number one company on the retail market of Georgia. 

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